This is just one example, but a very troubling one, of how 'gay parenting' harms children. It was precisely homosexual (and pro-'gay') parents who brought impressionable children to observe this highly-sexualized parade glorifying immorality and gender confusion. One of the bases for the Supreme Court's stunningly radical June 26 ruling creating a 'constitutional right' for homosexual 'marriage' is that it 'safeguards children and families.' But in truth homosexual parenting harms kids in a variety of ways. This AFTAH writer observed most of the parade, which was dominated by major corporate sponsors. New York City's annual homosexual 'Pride' parade - sponsored Sunday (June 28, 2015) for the first time at the highest 'Platinum' level by Walmart Corporation - featured nudity, lewdness, vulgarity and even a sadomasochism float - subjecting the many young children who either marched in or viewed the parade to behaviors and messages that are highly inappropriate for their age and emotional immaturity. (WARNING: Offensive images, expletives and graphic descriptions) You are not signed in as a Premium user we rely on Premium users to support our news reporting.